
OnePageMkt 1.22: The Decision-Making Spiral

I understand the decision-making process as a spiral. We make decisions every day, constantly. Some are simple, almost mechanic, some other much more complex, which require analysis of facts and reflection. We develop alternatives of solutions, and finally we choose one, which we believe is best.

This decision take us to actions, these actions deliver results, and these results provide us learnings; weather the outcome was as expected or not, we always learn something. These learning give us experience for the next decision-process, which will start at a higher level of understanding than the previous one. This is the spiral.

The more we make decisions, the more we learn from previous experiences. Though, every situation is different, new information needs to be gathered, facts as well as context.

Boss & Chart

Fact Based Decisions

Experience and even intuition are important elements in the decision-making process, but it is too risky for the organization to support all the decisions only on subjectivity. It is important to develop the culture and the discipline to support as much as possible the most relevant business decisions with information, with educated arguments, with informed common sense.


5 comentarios en “OnePageMkt 1.22: The Decision-Making Spiral

  1. Great post, Thank you!

    Indeed to develop a culture is very important and to use a process a basic need. I found pretty useful Stanford’s Online course. «DQ 101: Introduction to Decision Quality By Carl Spetzler, Ph.D., Strategic Decisions Group»

    Here’s the link to the course syllabus:

    And a Link to one of the videos:

    «About the Course DQ101

    This course will help you become a better decision-maker for significant business decisions. You will learn about the concept of Decision Quality (DQ) and a proven decision-making process to improve the quality and speed of significant decisions.»

    I look forward to your next post.

  2. Florence Manfé dijo:

    Hola Ernesto, je suis entièrement d’accord avec ce que tu soulignes ici. Lleno de buen sentido (asi se dice?) y de experiencia. Go on developing that : yr experience, yr sight are needed. Thank you for sharing so generously.
    My kindest regards and friendship to you all

  3. Pingback: Making Better Decisions | SoshiTech - Social Media Technology -

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